Indocosmo Systems celebrates 21st anniversary

Posted on 2022-01-31

Amidst the surge of COVID cases and lockdown scenarios, when the employees are locked in their rooms and onto their screens, we got an opportunity to gather and celebrate an evening, with pomp and extravaganza. It was an event filled with keynote speeches from the founders and colleagues, fun games, and lots of quality time with family.

The event started off with a keynote speech from CEO Mr. Davis Sebastian, followed by colleagues from Japan, who joined us online to celebrate the evening. A business review was presented by Mr. Subhash Sanmuel  (Project Manager) about the past year and plans for the year ahead. There was an official announcement that Indocosmo is now ISO AND ISMS certified- Kudos to our employees who worked towards achieving it. The event also witnessed a segment called ‘Long Service Award’ where employees were awarded for their excellent long service and dedication.  Also as a part of recognizing the outstanding effort by the employees, a rewards and recognition initiative - ‘ICS Stellar Performer of the Quarter’ was launched.

Not only that, employees have also grabbed the opportunity to croon and groove. The event also provided a platform for the employees' families and kids to showcase their talent. It was indeed, an evening to remember!